Recovery Plan opportunities

How could the Recovery Plan be an opportunity for companies within the public tenders sector? Protection of land and water resources

The Recovery Plan reserves 15.03 billion investments for the “Protection of land and water resources”.

This component contributes significantly to the green transition by promoting a more efficient and sustainable use of water resources and by preventing actions contributing to the risks associated with climate change. Great attention is also paid to the digitalisation of processes, with particular reference to the digital management of water resources and the efficiency of the networks, to be transformed into a “smart network”.

Reforms and investments:

Prevent and combat the effects of climate change on hydrogeological instability phenomena and on the vulnerability of the territory in urban areas.
Reform: Simplification and acceleration of the procedures for implementing interventions against hydrogeological instability;
Investment: Structural and non-structural interventions for flood risk management and hydrogeological risk reduction (including innovation and digitization of territorial monitoring networks);
Urban Forestry;
Interventions for the resilience, the enhancement of the territory and the energy efficiency of the Municipalities;
Guarantee the security of water supply for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes and the reduction of water dispersion.
Reform: Simplification of legislation and strengthening of Governance for the implementation of investments in the water supply infrastructure;
Revision and strengthening of the governance model of reclamation consortia;
Investment: Investments in primary water infrastructures for the security of water supply.
Investments in the resilience of the irrigation agro-system for a better management of water resources (including digitalization and technological innovation of distribution networks);
Ensure the sustainable management of water resources along the entire cycle and the improvement of the environmental quality of inland and maritime waters;
Reform: Measures for the full implementation of the assignments for the Integrated Water Service;
Investment: Investments aimed at reducing losses in water distribution networks, including digitization and monitoring of networks;
Investments in sewerage and wastewater treatment;
Interventions in port areas to fill the deficit of facilities for the management of waste collected at sea.

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