In the digital era, everything is changing. The places and ways people shop are being transformed. E-commerce has affected the old forms of commerce, modifying them and creating a different and more far-reaching model. Logistics are playing a decisive role in the new scenario for e-commerce. In the context of the new “shopping experience”, logistics must face new and even more exacting challenges like the last mile, green demand, the Internet of Things (IOT), the criticalities of the block chain and the demand from ever more exacting proactive consumers.
In 2019, e-commerce was growing in Italy, recording an increase by 15% compared to the year before. According to the e-commerce B2C Observatory by Consorzio Netcomm/School of Management of the Milan Politecnico University, the channel turnover has exceeded 31.6 billion euro at the end of 2019. Products were reaching 18.3 billion with a growth of 21%, while services sold online totalized 13.3 billion euros, recording an increase of 7%. Despite that growth, the market still needs an overall redesign: the relationship and continuous collaboration with the private sector, customer support and the continuous search for information and contact points.
Finally, the consumer is looking for highly personalized products and services. Intelligent technologies should therefore allow, the creation of prediction models, the automation of processes, the dynamic optimization of offers and factory on demand, with an extreme grade of customization.
The exponential growth of the e-commerce market inevitably leads to the urgent need for the development of sustainable packaging solutions and new systems for the reduction of CO2 emissions. While European cities are facing this new, important need, innovative companies are developing technologies and services such as cargo bikes and mobility hubs in and around the city centers to revolutionize the urban delivery system.