Italy’s Water Emergency: A Deep Dive into the Challenges and Solutions

Italy is facing a severe water emergency affecting several areas of the country. Particularly in the South and islands, drought and water scarcity are having devastating effects on agriculture, livestock, and natural resources. The causes of this emergency are many and include climate change, poor water resource management, and outdated infrastructure.

What’s Behind the Water Emergency?

One of the main causes of Italy’s water emergency is climate change, which is disrupting rainfall patterns. In recent years, rain has been irregular, with heavy downpours followed by long droughts. This has greatly reduced water reserves. The SNPA report  “Climate in Italy in 2023“, states that water availability in 2022 hit a historic low of 67 billion cubic meters, less than half the historical average. In 2023, it improved slightly to 112.4 billion cubic meters, but rain was unevenly distributed. Regions like Sicily and Ionian Calabria still face extreme drought.

Another major issue is water loss in distribution networks. ISTAT data shows that 42% of the water in Italy’s system is lost, equal to 3.4 billion cubic meters per year. In southern cities like Potenza, losses reach 71% due to outdated pipelines, network breaks, and unauthorized water use. This problem affects both southern and northern regions, which also suffer from infrastructure inefficiencies.

The Ripple Effects of the Water Emergency

The water emergency significantly impacts the economy, the environment, and citizens’ quality of life. A report from the CGIA study office,  highlights that agriculture, which uses 41% of Italy’s total water, is the hardest hit sector. Crops like wheat, olives, and vines, which need a lot of irrigation, are struggling due to water shortages. The industrial sector is also affected, particularly water-intensive industries like textiles, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals, which are facing production delays and rising costs.

Additionally, the water emergency impacts the energy sector, especially hydropower generation, which makes up about 16% of Italy’s electricity. Reduced rainfall and drying reservoirs have severely compromised energy production, forcing the country to import more energy or rely on fossil fuels, which negatively affects the climate.

Possible Solutions to Conquer the Water Emergency

To address the water emergency in Italy, long-term structural solutions are needed, some of which are already in progress.

  1. Infrastructure Renewal: The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) has allocated over €5.3 billion to improve water infrastructure, reduce leaks, and modernize irrigation systems in agriculture.
  2. Reuse of Wastewater: An innovative solution is the reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture and industry. This practice saves drinking water and reduces pressure on natural water resources.
  3. Education and Awareness: Involving citizens is crucial for better water management. Awareness campaigns, like those from the European Union, aim to educate people about the importance of water conservation and efficient resource use.
  4. Innovative Technologies: Europe is investing in new technologies for water resource management, including natural storage, groundwater replenishment, and smart management using sensors and digital systems.


In summary, the water emergency in Italy is a complex issue that requires urgent action and long-term strategies. Key causes like climate change, outdated infrastructure, and poor management are worsening the situation, negatively affecting agriculture, industry, and energy production. It is essential to implement reforms, such as upgrading water networks, reusing wastewater, and promoting conservation awareness, to ensure water security and reduce waste. An integrated approach is needed to effectively and sustainably tackle this emergency.

Proaxxes’ Contribution to Solving the Water Emergency

Proaxxes specializes in supporting foreign companies expand into international markets and can play a key role in addressing Italy’s water emergency. With our knowledge of the Italian market, extensive network, and experience in connecting companies, we can facilitate the adoption of advanced international solutions to meet local challenges and promote a more efficient and sustainable water management system.

Proaxxes can help you navigate this complex landscape and contribute to Italy’s architecture and construction sustainability.  Contact us!

Vincent-team management

Vincent Hoffmans

Business Development Manager

“People who care, act, and refuse to give up may not change THE world, but they can change many individual worlds.” – Samantha Power


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