Why are The Netherlands so specialised in Agriculture?

The Netherlands are a major player in agriculture. How did such a small, densely populated country become such a great global player?

Dutch agriculture today is a major player globally and is currently the biggest exporter of agricultural goods after the United States. The Netherlands is a small country with huge investments in agri/food innovation, creating some of the most cutting-edge methods to feeding its population. How did such a small, densely populated country become such a great player?

  • Leading Agriculture Research and Development in Europe
    One of the reasons is the presence of an advanced centre of research such as Wageningen University. Widely regarded as the world’s top agricultural research institution, WUR is the nodal point of Food Valley, an expansive cluster of agricultural technology start-ups and experimental farms.
  • Feeding livestock
    Dutch farms are innovating livestock feed, developing sources from 100% waste products, including by products from the baking industry. By cutting down water and resources to grow livestock feed, Dutch companies are creating a more sustainable system that, once more, positions the Netherlands as a leader in the agri/food industry.
  • Investing in technology
    Dutch companies are creating important weather and soil monitoring systems that will be available to local farmers for a low price. By conquering another variable in the farming process, Dutch farmers can maximize output and efficiency, reinforcing their role as a global exporter of agricultural products.
  • Beyond the farms
    To help reduce dependencies on farming for meat, the Netherlands is looking for sustainable alternatives by building a new global plant-based eco-system for business and innovation. In fact, the first ‘Hamburger from the lab’ was produced in the Netherlands.
  • Focusing locally
    The Netherlands is focusing energy on sustainable, local farming, promoting the production of food inside the cities.


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