Renewables, circular economy, healthcare: the companies that win on the stock exchange

The recent research by Equita points out how the pandemic has favored companies that have focused on green economy, sustainability, employees, and market transparency.

ROME – The companies that attract more capital are those that invest in sustainability, employees and market. In financial jargon they are called “responsible investments”, a sector that in recent years has grown and is about to become a reference point for all operators and more limited to the world of ethical finance.


The difference is made by the acronym Esg, which stands for “environment social governance” and which defines the main aspects of listed companies that have embraced the fundamental principles of responsible finance. To put it another way: in the first three months of the year, according to the specialist website Morningstar, Esg funds globally raised 45.6 billion more while traditional funds lost 384.7 billion. The same applies to Italy: The data presented by the Italian Asset Management Association (Assogestioni) show an increase of 2.8 billion for Esg funds and an outflow of 15 billion for traditional funds.


With the pandemic, sensitivity to social and environmental issues has increased because “it has made it clear that they are an integral part of sustainable growth”. There is a greater awareness on the part of investors, both professionals and individual savers: in practice, they have understood that Esg funds have a lower risk. Last but not least, the supply of Esg funds has increased and is set to grow further with the “unprecedented” plans launched by various governments and the European Union, destined for green economy projects.

“The main areas of investment,” explains Domenico Ghilotti, co-head of Equita’s office of studies, “will be linked to the development of green infrastructures such as solutions for alternative mobility, circular economy and energy efficiency. But we will also have considerable development towards the digital transition. Not forgetting,” he concludes,” more investment in vocational training and health services.”


The list of the Italian companies that invest in sustainability, employees and market transparency includes Enel, Hera and Terna (“exposure to the European Green Deal, circular and renewable economy”), Inwit, Tim and Reply (digital transition), Erg and Falck Renewables (renewable energy), Garofalo Healthcare (“strengthening health services”) and Sicit (circular economy and precision agriculture).


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